Tuesday, March 29, 2011

VCY Singspiration

This past Sunday evening, our family enjoyed a time of worship and praise as we joined in the VCY America Singspiration. It was held at a church in Salina where most all of the pews were filled.
Although most of the attendance was comprised of older couples, there were some younger children.
This 90 minute program was filled with God-glorifying music.
We listen to VCY America about 99% of the time........A few years ago, when there was an ice storm, we couldn't listen for about 2 weeks. It showed us how heavily we depend on it!
From bible teachers to children's programs, sacred music and conservative news broadcasts, we love VCY!

Sing to the LORD, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day.
~Psalm 96:2

Mr. Vic Eliason lead us in our time of singing

Mr. Eliason drove by himself all the way from Milwaukee, Wisconsin!