Earlier this week, we had a big storm with lots of wind. Another of our neighbors lost quite a few branches, and there was even a tree that uprooted! They also had a cherry tree with lots of fruit still on it.......They don't even like cherries that much, so we were also able to get some cherries from them! We've frozen 10 bags or so of pitted cherries, made cherry soup (see pic) and cherry limeades! YUMMY! We actually have a cherry tree-5 feet tall and we got a whopping 1 cherry from it this year. It was hard to split 7 ways, but we managed.
When we got all these cherries, we saw how good the Lord was and how He provided for us since we don't have a flourishing tree yet!
The BIG tree!
Each branch had many clusters of cherries!
Look, Elizabeth! It's CUUTE!
Cherry Soup (Maus (spelling?) is the German word for it)
It is basically like cherry pie filling.
Wow, it sounded like your tree worked hard to put out that one cherry. They look delicious.