Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Susanna!

Today Susanna Joy turns 3 years old!!! Can you believe it??!!

I remember 3 years ago when we had gone to Salina for our usual grocery trip, and Mom also had a Dr. appointment. The Dr. told her to do some walking-So we went out to where our grandparents live and walked....She went back to the Dr. and was admitted to the hospital. Well, the rest of us where happy because we were going to get to spend the night at "Memaw and Papa's House!!!" About 9:00 or so, my grandma and I (Elizabeth) were in the kitchen talking, since everyone else was in bed. About 9:20 p.m. the phone rang. It was Dad saying the baby was born-So we got everyone out of bed and loaded into my great grandma's car. If we would have been pulled over that night we would have been about 3 people over the limit.....But we weren't!
Anyhow, we got to the hospital and got to meet our new baby SISTER! Sweet Susanna.

I can't explain what an amazing joy she has been to our family. A friend of ours just told me a few weeks ago, how different our lives would be without Susanna.
And it is rightly so!

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She is pretty funny!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Round 2

On Friday, September 4th at 4:30 a.m. our second round of chicks arrived!!!
Mom had called the Post Office to alert them the they would be getting them, and they said they would call us when they got to town. At 6:30 we still hadn't heard from the PO, so Mom decided to call. We are friends with the post mistress, and she had decided wait to call us, and let us sleep instead. So around 7:00 we went to pick them up! Out of the original 78 chickens, only 2 have died! I'll be posting some more pictures soon as they get bigger!