Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Projects---

We have been so busy with our summer schedule,
it has been hard to do any blogging.
I've been collecting pictures, though!
Enjoy looking through what we've occupied our days with for the past few weeks!

About a month ago, we painted our porch-The paint has been peeling for awhile, and was getting pretty bad. After 3 days of hard work, we finally finished!


Elizabeth painting-I'm standing on the rail!

The guys and Susanna

The boys used some black plastic and water to make a slipper-slide!
What a great way to cool off!

Behind our house, there is a low spot where water collects when it rains.
Eric got a plastic raft from a friend-And with our pet duck, Fluffy-the 3 children went "rafting" in the 15 inch water!! It was quite a sight!

We've started to get some our garden produce! This morning Mom, Miles and I went out and dug 3 rows of potatoes. We've also got 40-50 bulbs of garlic, a bucketful of onions, and some beets. Our lettuce, Swiss chard, and Kale have already died out, but we got a lot from them!

Wheat Harvest is almost over in our part of Kansas! Miles and Eric got a chance to go out and ride in the combines though!

That's all for now!!! Have a safe and FUN 4th of July!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Adventures in Character 2009

Last weekend, Eric and I had the opportunity to serve at the Homeschool Conference in Wichita. We helped with the children's area-Adventures in Character. This was our first time to ever help in this way, so we didn't know what to expect.
Overall, I think we both were blessed by all that happened over the weekend!

There were 350 children that attended this year, breaking last year's 330 record!
The Lord blessed everyone's effort by showing us how many children HE provided for us this year!!! As well as many teachers, helpers, and staff to lead the children.
Many prayers for the weekend were answered! THANK YOU LORD for all you give us!

My team number was 17, and I took quite a few pictures-So I put a collage together!
Enjoy! (You can click on the image to enlarge it)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Our first Blog-iversary.....and 75th post!!!

WOW! I can't believe we have had our family blog for one year today! A lot has happened in the last 365 days, 52 weeks, 8,736 hours, etc.....
It has been so much fun to see other blogs, and to make connections with people through blogging.....
Now to celebrate our first anniversary you must do 4 things
1) Comment!
2) Tell us what you like about our blog.
3) What would you like to see more? (pictures, scripture, etc.)
4) And for fun, what is the last thing you have eaten?

Well, I have to leave you with a picture---
So here is one from a year ago-Haven't we changed!!!