Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bontrager Family

Last week our family was privileged to host the Bontrager Family Singers in our home and at our church.
They sang for our morning services, then provided the evening worship-We had a soup supper for a few out-of-town families who were coming for the concert. It was a special time of fellowship before the full crowd attending the concert. And what a concert! It was a little over an hour long, filled with songs, a skit, and scripture memory. After, we had a yummy cookie reception provided by some ladies in the church.
On Monday, our families (Beckman/Bontrager) enjoyed a true Swedish breakfast prepared by a very hospitable friend of ours. We were going to go for a little "field trip" but due to chilly weather, we had to postpone it. So we stoked up the fireplace, curled our fingers around a hot drink, brought out the games, and talked to our heart's content-well, almost. I'm sure we could have discussed many more topics, if we would have had the time!

The soup supper families-

Red Light, Green Light!

All glory to the Lord!

Susanna and Elizabeth performing a duet of "Away in the Manger"

All the boys!

The girls!

Allison, Caroline, Elizabeth, and Chelsy

Caroline and Allison playing violins together

Pit! (one for one, two for two!)


Lovely Elizabeth!

Allison and Elizabeth making "Enchildas" for dinner!

The boys at our Swedish breakfast!

Friday, January 8, 2010

The New Year

Just look at that date above the title-2010 is here! Rang in with lots of cold weather and snow!! I think this week was the coldest of the winter! Sub-Zero Temperatures, we've had the fireplace going strong!!
Our family had a great holiday season-Christmas turned out to be better that we expected!
And this New Year's we were all in bed by 4:00 A.M. (Dad was glad-We did better than last year!
I've included some snapshots of our family Christmas! Enjoy!
Here's to more blogging in 2010!

Our parents and grandparents got us an amazing telescope!

My gift to Eric was cleverly disguised under
(okay, get ready!) wrapping paper, a brown paper sack,
box, under a bag of rocks (a decoy!) more wrapping paper,
a plastic sack, and finally inside an envelope, his present-guitar picks!
(They looked puny in the little bag-It needed some excitement!)

Susanna in her new kitty outfit!

Mom got a roaster pan!

Watch Out! Dad got a reciprocating saw (whatever that is!)

Caroline and I playing a Christmas duet!

Our stupendous Christmas dessert!
A Taste of Home exclusive!
"Layered Turtle Cheesecake"
Indescribable goodness! (Is your mouth watering?)