Thursday, April 22, 2010

Colors of Spring!

I have decided it is virtually impossible to take a picture of a flower and for it not to turn out amazing. God's creation is SO photogenic! And it is also impossible (we've been here before) to have a super cute little sister, (with lots of cute outfits) and not take amazing pictures of her!!!!
Be encouraged with the Colors of Spring! Green, Pink, White, Purple, Yellow-What a sight after wintery colors...brown, brown, brown, and brown!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

He is Risen!

A blessed Easter Greeting to you!
As we reflect on what Jesus Christ did for us almost 2,000 years ago......the cross, the empty tomb, Our Risen Lord....Consider what God also did for us, because of His Steadfast Love.
If He would have not poured out His Wrath on His Son, Jesus-None of us would be here to celebrate the Power and Mercy of our God.

I recently got some things together for a "Love of GOD" photo shoot, using Deuteronomy 6:4-5
Here are a few to share! Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring Chicks/100th Post/Happy April!

First off-HAPPY APRIL FIRST (1st), Just kidding! (I'm kidding that I was kidding!)
Have you had any April Fool's played on you today?

Secondly, it's Spring Time! That means it's also time for CHICKS!!!!
We got our first batch (70) last Thursday, and 6:30 a.m. this morning our remaining 25 arrived!
They are cute, as always! But, not for long!
Susanna has already informed everyone who comes to see the chicks, that we are going to "Butcher" them!
I'm not sure she know what the big "B" word actually means! Oh, well!

Thirdly, this is our 100th blog post! Can't believe we've had so many! Lots of hours of picture uploading!

We sure are enjoying the nice weather here! It was 75+ degrees yesterday.
You could actually go outside without bracing yourself for a blast of cold wind!
Thankful for God's gift of seasons!
We would definitely get bored quickly from the lack of weather change, wouldn't we!

In closing, what do you all think of the new "blook" around here???
(Maybe you should tell what "blook" means first!!!!!)


Sorry, the wire was in the way!

Have a little dirt/sawdust/other stuff, bath!