Monday, July 28, 2008

Bethany Home Auxiliary Program

Today was our local nursing home's monthly auxiliary program which we were apart of.
Our family, and 3 of our friends gave the program.
First we(just our family) sang two songs.
"Stepping in the Light" and "Heaven came down"
Then Micah Waugh, our head pastor's son and in Eric's grade, recited James chapter 1.
After that, Caroline and Telea and Sophia Peterson played their violins while I accompanied. We did three songs. Then all of us sang "Children of the Heavenly Father"
and "As you go on your way" to close. The residents were blessed by our ministry of music and recitation. And we were blessed because they enjoyed it so much!

Our family singing....

All of the children.
(L to R) Back: Elizabeth, Eric with Susanna,Micah, Telea,
Front: Miles, Sophia, Caroline

A few pictures of the Violin Trio.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

One stormy Saturday afternoon.......

This Saturday afternoon was spent at the Stucky Family reunion. (The Stucky's are Mom's side of the family)
It was held in Inman, KS at their local park. Once everybody had gathered, we shared a meal of sloppy joes, chips, potato salad, baked beans, fruit and relishes with a variety of appetizing cookies for dessert.
Everyone chatted while the wind started to come up. It had been 95 degrees when we got there and was 69 degrees when we left. In past years it has been sunny and hot. Today it was cool and windy.
The kids enjoyed a rollicking game of water balloons and water guns after dinner.
We all packed up around 7:30 when it started to sprinkle outside. Almost all of the Stucky clan was there, including part of the Alabama group!! We missed a few but enjoyed all that could make it. Isn't family a blessing!

The laden food table....Yum!
This is a little movie of Susanna swinging in the park......

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Super Snaps Starring Sweet SUSANNA!

Today's post are all pictures with Susanna in them! She has been so cute the past couple of days and so I thought I would share some of the cute snapshots I got of her, with you. Let me know what you think!

These three pictures following this are of Susanna. She walked in as I was working on the other posts with this hat on. I couldn't resist taking a picture of her!


Fishy Lips!


Playing in the tent!

Campin' out!

Susanna playing!

Some Buckteeth, huh!


Susanna on Eric's bed

Susanna and siblings!

Caroline, Miles and Susanna

The kids in the tent

Susanna watching a movie with Caroline and Miles

The three in the tent


Susanna a.k.a. hillgirly (hillbilly)


Sisters are a blessing! (Especially when one of them is SO cute!)

Elizabeth and Susanna

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Fabulous Fourth!

America, America, God shed His grace on thee! And crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea!

After a yummy jelly coffeecake early Friday morning, Elizabeth left for work. She has been working for the past three years for a man who sells fireworks. (See picture)
The rest of the family got ready for the day. Around 4:00 p.m. our friends came over to celebrate. After enjoying a dinner of hamburgers, baked beans, and potato salad, with homemade ice cream and brownies for dessert, the kids were ready to start shooting fireworks. They had already went and bought some from Elizabeth's work. What a variety!
Everybody got to choose which ones they wanted!

Elizabeth got back home from work around 8:30 p.m....with 2 more bags of fireworks!
Were those kids ever excited! We ended our night around 10:30 but around town fireworks continued to go off, which made it a little hard to sleep.

But, we all had a wonderful day celebrating our independence!
Elizabeth in front of Ahlstedt Fireworks.
The girls decided on a hen and a fountain!