Friday, January 16, 2009

Tree Cutting

Well, on New Years Day we cut down our only tree in the backyard. It was kind of sad......It had some disease and was mostly dead, so we got the chainsaw, gloves, and work crew (aka the kids!) out! We are hoping to get another tree to replace ours.
Any suggestions?

It's starting to go!

Watch out below!

Finally down.....

Eric also cut down one of our small front trees.

Eric cutting logs the old fashioned way


  1. Oh, how sad to lose a tree in the yard! THe big tree in the front of our house is sooo nice! I hope you find a good one to replace it. I don't have much tree knowledge, but something that grows fruit always sounds like a good idea!

  2. I'd suggeat Walnut, Pecan, maybe Chestnut. Starts producing~5 years. Might bring deer so Eric won't have to leave the yard.

  3. Thank you for the great ideas!
    I'll add them to our ever-growing list!
