Wednesday, February 25, 2009

TT4TT (Third Time for Tree Trouble)

Well, it looks like we have more tree trouble. On Monday and Tuesday, rur neighbor lady decided to have the trees lining her shed and shading our yard cut down, because they were rubbing against her shed roof. Unfortunately for us, we lose most of our shade on the south side. We were all quite disappointed and sad......But we will get all the wood from it, so that is a bonus!
Here are some before and after pictures-----

Southeast side

West looking east

Working on the logs

Pile of logs

Susanna helped too!

Dad ran the chain-saw

Lumberjack, chain-saw fixer-upper,
and looking good in those shades and hat!!!!
(My personal favorite of Dad!)


After....All gone!


  1. Yes, Buster (Dubber in Susanna language) enjoyed climbing on the logs! Thanks for the comment!
