Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Last week we were talking with a friend, and got to the subject of chickens.
Now, you can legally have chickens in town if they are 200 ft. away from your neighbors.
We have been wanting to do this for a couple years.
Eric was especially excited about doing it.
So, yesterday we got 30 chickens! This is the first time we have done anything of this sort, so we were all interested.
Eric is even watching a movie about chickens right now!
Unfortunately, 2 of them have already died---We're not sure why.
But we will hopefully get them replaced.
I took some pictures of them, so here they are.
Come and see them-They are going to grow really fast!

Eric's contraption-Don't even ask what its called!!


  1. Hey Elizabeth,

    Wow! Chicks are always sooo much fun!! We are getting our chicks next week!! Are your chicks going to be for Laying or Butchering??? You will have a lot of fun!! Have a great day!!!!!!!

    Molli Mugoo!

  2. We are going to butcher 2/3 of them-and keep the rest for layers! It should be interesting!!!

  3. What an adventure right in town!
    When they grow more I hope I can hear a rooster crow from my patio! I'd love that!

  4. Hello Beckmans,
    Those chicks of yours are very cute. Now you have meat for your Beckman Barbecue sauce.

